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Research 23/05/2022

Evidence and impact: careers and guidance-related interventions

By Dr Deirdre Hughes, Geoff Gration

The aim of this report is to provide an introduction to a new online professional resource designed to make available international and national research evidence on the impact of careers and guidance-related interventions.

This synthesis report highlights the rationale and methodology which has informed the design and development of the Evidence and Impact: careers and guidance-related interventions online professional resource. The contents provide a brief overview of key issues and challenges involved in measuring and assessing the impact of careers and guidance-related interventions.

Current economic conditions place greater emphasis on individuals and organisations being accountable for expenditure and investment made in public services. Issues of accountability, added value and effectiveness are inextricably bound within both public and private sectors.


Evidence and impact: careers and guidance-related interventions

The aim of this report is to provide an introduction to a new online professional resource designed to make available international and national research evidence on the impact of careers and guidance-related interventions.

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Evidence And Impact Careers And Guidance Related Interventions Cover 180X255
Evidence and impact: careers and guidance-related interventions (Literature review)

The aim of this report is to provide an introduction to a new online professional resource designed to make available international and national research evidence on the impact of careers and guidance-related interventions

Literature review
Evidence And Impact Careers And Guidance Related Interventions (Literature Review) Cover 180X255
Evidence and impact: careers and guidance-related interventions (Resource)

The aim of this report is to provide an introduction to a new online professional resource designed to make available international and national research evidence on the impact of careers and guidance-related interventions.

Evidence And Impact Careers And Guidance Related Interventions (Resource) Cover 180X255

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