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West Yorkshire key area for two new employability initiatives headed by EDT

West Yorkshire Combined Authority is injecting £10 million of Shared Prosperity Fund funding into initiatives across the region which aim to reduce inequalities, raise living standards and grow the economy.

Accountability mechanisms and the improvement of private schools in Dubai

EDT has been the strategic partner of the Dubai government’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) since 2006, providing support relating to the improvement of private schools through inspection. In this insight piece, our Education Director, Tony McAleavy, analyses the extent to which the KHDA inspection system has contributed to the measurable improvement in learning outcomes in Dubai private schools.

EDT to manage technical assistance hub funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

We are pleased to announce that EDT will be managing a new technical assistance hub for foundational literacy and numeracy programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The $1.5 million project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has been named Engeza, which means to ‘add’ or ‘increase’ in the Zulu and Ndebele languages.

How to deliver education reform at scale with The Brookings Institution's Brad Olsen and EDT's Elizabeth Ogott and Clare Buntic

The learning crisis in many low-income countries demands reform at scale, but how exactly can change be delivered swiftly and successfully? The Brookings Institution’s work in recent years has been trailblazing in what it takes to achieve this, and Brad Olsen is able to give key insights into how we deliver such reform in the Global South. Brad joins us alongside EDT’s Elizabeth Ogott and Clare Buntic, as we delve into the ingredients to transformation, teacher buy-in, and togetherness.

TEACH: Zimbabwe

The TEACH (Teacher Effectiveness and Equitable Access for All Children) programme is designed to enhance teachers’ effectiveness and improve learning outcomes across Zimbabwe.

TARGET: Ethiopia

TARGET provides essential technical support to projects focused on improving quality of education for all in Ethiopia, with an emphasis on inclusion and equity for marginalised learners.

Learning Bridges

EDT provided capacity building and quality assurance support to the Ministry of Education in Jordan as part of the launch of Learning Bridges in 2020. The programme was designed to help one million students recover and accelerate their learning following the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Girls' Education Challenge

A holistic, six-year project specifically designed to strengthen the transition of these girls from primary into either secondary school or alternative, productive livelihood pathways.

Future Ready

A new careers education and guidance programme for young people in Jordan.