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Research 18/05/2022

Rapid response: education in emergencies

By Jonathan Penson, Kathryn Tomlinson

Programming for education needs in emergencies.

Education is increasingly accepted as an important emergency response, yet conflict environments often do not allow for state provision of education. UN agencies and national and international NGOs seek to fill this gap, often using standardised programmes. This book examines the influences on educational programming in conflict-induced emergencies. It questions whether standardised interventions are appropriate and effective educational responses, and focuses on child-friendly spaces, school-feeding programmes, and pre-packaged education kits. It draws on a review of literature, interviews with other 80 specialists across the globe and country studies in Sudan, Lebanon, Uganda and Timor-Leste.


Rapid response: education in emergencies

Programming for education needs in emergencies.

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Rapid Response Education In Emergencies Cover 180X255 (1)
Rapid response: education in emergencies (Policy brief)

Programming for education needs in emergencies.

Policy brief
Rapid Response Education In Emergencies (Policy Brief) Cover 180X255

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