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Research 23/05/2022

Teacher workload reduction research

We are excited to announce that we are again recruiting teachers and schools to work with us and the Department for Education on a teacher workload reduction research programme.

We have three options for schools to select from. All options include access to quantitative training research materials, a free book on Teacher-led research, and flexible 1:1 support from Education Development Trust researchers at a time that best suits schools and teachers.

Option 1: schools identify their own area of workload reduction to investigate 
In this option, schools will identify their own interventions geared towards teacher workload reduction, and will be supported to collect quantitative data and report on the effectiveness of this intervention. Full support will be offered by our research team with data analysis and writing up the results from the study into a poster report.

Option 2: schools mirror interventions trialled by other teachers 
Schools will be provided with details about interventions being conducted by other schools along with pre-designed research protocols. Potential interventions to select from include coaching to reduce behavioural problems, flipped learning and different approaches to delivering feedback. Schools will be given the option to analyse their own data, or to send to our research team to crunch the numbers for you.

Option 3: learning recovery acceleration to reduce teacher workload 
Spaced learning has been shown to accelerate children’s learning of key facts and information and therefore may be ideal for learning recovery and catchup post-Covid. This has the potential to reduce teacher workload by reducing time spent on lesson planning, freeing up more time for lessons that help consolidate knowledge. We will provide the research protocol for you to deliver within a three-week period with the actual classroom delivery taking place in a single lesson. You will need to conduct a pre-test a post-test and then send us the anonymous data along with your teachers completing a short questionnaire about their workload. We will analyse your results. You will then get support to draft a conference poster report.

If you are interested in participating in any of the above, please download the workload reduction poster (right) or contact us at


Teacher workload reduction research

We are excited to announce that we are again recruiting teachers and schools to work with us and the Department for Education on a teacher workload reduction research programme.

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Teacher Workload Reduction Research Cover 180X255

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